This is a true story. It happened in my family and, as I see it now, set the tone for future generations…including myself.
My great-grandmother, who I knew really well since all my ancestors gave birth very young in their late teens (I already broke that pattern as I did at 32!), was a very nice woman. However…she hated her husband so much!
I know, right?
One time, when they were in their 60s, my great-grandfather had to be rushed into Hospital with some life or death situation with his heart.
She was told: “ He might not make it, just be aware of it”.
When doctors came out of the operation, my grandmother and my Mum were there with her and they said: “You’ve been really lucky, everything has gone perfectly and he’s now out of the danger zone. Congratulations.”
She broke down in tears as she heard the news… but…do you know why?
She was hoping for the opposite to happen. She prayed to God for her abusive husband to be taken away…at last…but it did not happen.
Her tears were tears of sadness instead of joy.
Envying widowers
My great-grandmother was really envious of the widowed (back then divorce was rare).
And that is the thing…she was giving away all her life force by not being able to take any life-changing decision whatsoever… she was incapable of standing up and say:
“I don’t want to be with this man who is harassing me and forcing me to have sexual intercourse when I feel disgusted by it. I just want OUT. I want my life back. I want my freedom.”
She did not have the courage (or awareness) to make that choice. In fact, she did not even have the vocabulary to do so. Because…you know? What would ‘people’ think? How could I even think like that? God surely is going to punish me and send me straight into hell…
Poor thing! She was already there. She lived in hell.
Fast forward a few decades… she remained ‘married’ to him for another 30 years. She died in her late 80s…her heart stopped one night, peacefully.
She had managed to convince their daughters that they were not well enough to live on their own and they started rotating between their daughter’s houses and, thank God, they were now sleeping in separate single beds…that gave her hope for a few more years…but she lived terrified that he might try again because he was a very horny man (I sense he even did that!).
The day after she passed, he was eating his breakfast and, when the great-grandchildren, who happened to be there as well because my grandma was doing the school run, asked for a banana…he slashed off saying there was only one banana left and it was for him!
I mean… disgusting behaviour from a non grown-up 90 year old but, understandable if we look at his soul connection and general evolution as a human being.
Know Thyself
I won’t get tired of talking about this. Ever. Have you ever wondered who you are? Why are you here? What for? Where do you come from? Where do we go after this ‘life’ is finished? What is the meaning of life?
I can tell for certain my great-grandparents never did. They were born in the early 1900’s and, back then, oh my God, can’t even imagine what life was like. They went though civil war in Spain and they had, literally, nothing to eat.
My great-grandfather (the horny man) ate rats. This is a true story as well. They were starving and had nothing but their clothes and a roof over their heads (thank God!).
But they never questioned anything. They took at face value what they were taught by their, even more ignorant parents.
These people were abducted by religion. In this case, catholic religion. There was a church in the village and they were there every Sunday to listen to the priest who was telling them what was right or wrong…based on a bible that, if you yet don’t know, is just an allegory. A tale never to be taken literally.
The Universe does not talk English or Spanish, the Universe talks in symbolism, archetypes, energy patterns… and the mystics back then, centuries ago, wrote this ‘books’ symbolically.
I need to really get deep into this as I have discovered recently the hidden teachings of Bill Donahue, a man who many decades ago, dedicated his life to the pursue of Truth. And…how can we not be captured by the pursuing of Truth?
What’s more important than…Truth? Is there anything else that matters, really?
Thank God, as it was written thousands of years ago (I know, fucking mind-blowing stuff) the Age of Aquarius if here (well, we are transitioning) and Jesus (who did not exist by the way) said that when the “man with the pitch of water” arrived…humanity would then awaken to their true self and this madness we have created would (slowly) disintegrate.
We are seeing that happening before our eyes…
No, I am not going to the negative side…absolutely not. Everything is a process and we are transiting the ‘burning ground’ as esoteric philosophy call it.
When what you have is rotten, when your husband is an abusive bully…you need to wake up and start taking ownership of your own power. You need to drive your own car, to sail your own ship, to co-create your own life…and the time has come.
Now, what do you choose?