“There are three things in life: Health, Money and Love”… those are the lyrics of a 1967 Spanish song and this week was playing in my head all week…why?
Not a clue. I wasn’t even born!
But somehow the song was in my life when I was a kid and I used to sing it (okayyyy, I’ll make a Tiktok or something with that, you win!).
Tres cosas hay en la vida
Salud, dinero y amor
Y el que tenga esas tres cosas
Que le dé gracias a Dios
Which means…
There are three things in life
Health, money and love
Whoever has these three things
Thank God for it
So, do you agree?
I mean, we can fit a whole lot of other things in those three, right?
Your family (if you get along), your partner (if you have one), your children (if you have them), etc. can fit into LOVE.
Also friends, pets, things like your shiny car or your ‘useless’ collections…(oops, did I write that out loud?)
But also love for food, nature, my videos 😆…there can be (and should be) love in everything, really.
It is a bit blunt when you say it like that but without it we’d be beggars so...
Bear in mind all the money in the world won’t make your life fulfilled.
Yes, you’ll have more things, more access to better services and you’ll travel more (maybe) but, at the end of the day, trust me, you won’t be happiER because of it.
I am still working on my relationship with it, it is not easy.
This is the big one.
I am being a bit serious today so won’t state the obvious.
I will only say that is not only your physical health you must be concerned about but your mental health.
The stats and numbers are terrifying out there and, as someone who has gone through it (and still is), it is not BS, it is real pain in the A$$.
Protect (and love!) yourselves! 💖
Are you a Lonely Man?
I mentioned a couple weeks ago a Facebook Rom Scam that was brought to my attention by Walt’s daughter.
You can check the story in this video (I know, most of you don’t even like it when I play the chit-chat Youtuber but I do! 🤓).
Thing is I will promote SeniorMatch.com for a while in the hope that is a good thing for some lonely men out there.
I did not know this even existed so I assume maybe you don’t either.
If you sign up (or did in the past) or if you are a dating site user, please click below and tell me (or reply to this email).
Loneliness has a negative connotation though.
It almost seems like you cannot be happy and at peace if you’re lonely.
I don’t believe that.
Are you prepared?
On another note…the fearmongering on social media about the state of the world is beyond belief.
Yes, it does not look pretty but it is not as bad either.
Watch out for your ease, don’t lose it and you’ll be alright.
Saying that…astrologers consider this next Monday (August 19th) one of the most shocking, intense and potentially important moments of the year.
There is a Full moon with some very unique and hard aspects.
Slow down, count till 20 before saying or doing anything and avoid any confrontation.
I am planning on doing that too.
As if you could hit the slow motion button in your life…pause, observe, think, reflect, assess, reflect again…feel love and compassion.
And maybe cook yourself a nice meal that reminds you good moments in your life.
I have just done that this morning (sorry forgot to take the pic before the first two bites😅)
I bought myself an olive sourdough roll (I know bread 😬) and made a sort of summer salad (I think is called originally ‘mojo’) with roasted peppers, tin of chopped tomatoes, tuna and smashed garlic.
Then salt and olive oil on top.
Treat your woman
…or if you don’t have one, treat me LOL
That’s what Alan and Paul have done lately and they’ve made me feel loved ❤️
Remember what I said about ‘being human’? 🥹
As I type, a pair of lovely earrings have arrive so I’ve made a clip 😁
(yes, singing the bloody song!)
The Spice
We’re in the middle of August and we have been raised to picture ourselves on holidays even if staying at home.
Well, I have, because mine was a working class family.
So it feels a bit boring for me, not sure why, and it is really hot (even for the UK!).
So I have filmed my first Naked Yoga video and I have been cleaning naked too 😜
Why? - says Karen
And why not? - says ME
Remember to check my Beacons if you want to connect directly with me (I don’t reply in any other social media or chat) or if you want access to the exclusive and naughty content, you know, blah, blah, blah…
WARNING: I might send you an email on Monday 🌚
Oh and if you are still reading…please hit a like (you might have to get the App 🫤) it is not only a nice thing to do but it helps.
To finish…I hope you really feel loved in your life and your environment.
It is very important to feel important…for somebody!
Rose 🌹