So, here I am, grappling with the whole idea of Christianity and how to find a solid argument to challenge it.
Why challenging it?
Because I have seen with my eyes and lived in my flesh and bones the ignorance and the consequences of living in a religious mental box suffocating common sense and sacrificing any possible glimpse of freedom.
Christianity has their own interpretation of the scriptures which is mostly a literal one, and any argument that goes against what “Christianity says” is rejected without hesitation and considered a heresy.
Same to be said about the other religions by the way.
But I am not the only one in this planet who has taken off those tainted glasses of perception.
It felt off
It never felt right to me when I was taught about the bible and the story of Jesus at school and at the church when I took the first communion.
My Dad was already the black sheep in the strictly catholic family and was an atheist (who, ironically, did not put a fight about us going to the church for the communion).
I followed his lead and we both stayed always out of the church in family weddings and so on waiting for the afterwards meal and celebration.
I did not understand a thing.
Yes, it seemed to me like a costume party, like a Shakespeare play…that is …fake.
What I genuinely believe is that we need to open up a conversation about Jesus’s mission that goes deeper than what many have been taught in their local churches.
Throughout my exploration, which I like to call “Liberating Christ from Christianity” one particular issue stands out:
Christianity has placed Jesus on this impossible pedestal.
They’ve made him the only Son of God, separate and different from the rest of us.
But here’s the thing, Jesus actually intended for us to see him not as an idol, but as a trailblazer, someone leading us toward a higher state of consciousness that we all can strive for.
Think about what Jesus said: “Those that believe in me will do the works that I do, and even greater works.”
If he was just an exception, how could we follow his lead?
I’m not suggesting that we’ll perform the same miracles he did, but the essence of his teaching was about elevating our consciousness.
Most people are stuck in a state that Jesus referred to as spiritual death.
Remember that time when he said that the dead should bury their dead? It sounds harsh, but it’s really a metaphor.
Those who cling to conventional beliefs without seeking a deeper understanding are spiritually stagnant. On the flip side, when you’re ready to embrace a higher path and you’re willing to lose your old self for the sake of Christ, you find spiritual life waiting for you.
Now, let’s unpack the idea of the Cross, as it's often misunderstood in mainstream Christianity. Many believe we’re saved solely through Jesus’s crucifixion and his blood!
While Paul, who was a Jewish convert and a proponent of this blood sacrifice belief, wrote extensively about this, it's crucial to recognize that he was addressing a specific audience.
The ancient Jewish practice of blood sacrifice was everywhere, with animals being slaughtered in temples. Paul sought to put an end to this unnecessary ritual and presented Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice.
But the real beauty behind Jesus's mission it’s more about the symbolic act of overcoming the illusion of separation from God.
The Creator, when bringing us into existence, knew we might stray from the path. That’s why the idea of the Christ mind, this universal consciousness, is crucial.
As the Gospel of John puts it, "In the beginning was the Word."
That Word is the Christ mind, reminding us that no matter how far we drift into the illusion of separation, we can always return because we are all part of that same universal essence.
Ultimately, Jesus came to show us that the kingdom of God isn't a distant, elusive paradise we reach after death.
Instead, he said it’s within us, right here, right now.
The kingdom is a state of consciousness we can access by recognizing our unity with the Creator.
For Jesus, the essence of his teachings wasn’t merely about him as a person, but about awakening that Christ mind within all of us.
Yet, it’s ironic that many who call themselves Christians today miss this fundamental message.
They often cling to the idolization of Jesus as the sole Savior and neglect his teachings on self-discovery and unity with the divine.
The truth is, the path to enlightenment lies within each of us.
Overcoming this modern misunderstanding is crucial if we want to connect with the true essence of what Jesus represented.
As he said long ago, “Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.” It's time we start listening because the greatest irony is that those who claim to follow him often miss his message entirely.