Oh yes, this is the last weekly letter of the year!
Big huge momentum.
This is the time when after eating like a pig for a couple of days, we start planning those useless resolutions that always end up fading away after a few weeks.
Come on! Let’s own it. We all do that.
{if you are one of those unicorns who every year totally accomplish your NY crapolutions… man, please share!!}
I haven’t stepped into the gym for at least 3 months now and, the obvious thing to do is:
I am starting fresh in January 2025!!
This is what my little voice tells me about that:
So…I won’t bother with those intentions (never did, really) and you know why?
Because it does not work like that.
The Other Way
I have been banging about “knowing oneself” and self-development talk for the last, certainly, couple of years.
Maybe On and Off.
Swinging myself between being a sexy Milf and some sort of a spiritual teacher.
I know! 🫣
How do you dare, girl?! You ARE a sexy Milf but spiritual teacher…?? Are you bloody kidding me?!
You know I am not.
And this is IT. I am done with swinging. I’ll stay still.
That’s what I am.
And I know it now because I actually know WHO I am.
If your head has not exploded yet, congrats, you’re a hope for humanity.
Flesh and Spirit
Look, if you have ever learnt a little about the chakras or the tree of life or the levels of consciousness…you’re totally getting me.
But if you don’t…you must like me if you’re still reading.
I am “starting” something in 2025 that has nothing to do with gyms, diets, weight loss or all the typical junk-intentions.
I am diving into the nature of reality and the endless seek for Truth.
And no, I am not quitting erotica or being a sexy Milf… my ego loves that (and I think yours do too).
My carnal mind, my human body, my earthy side, my plutonic nature, my animal instinct, my root chakra and that part of me who lives in the 3D reality that my identity has created LOVES THAT.
As I often say, sex is as natural and needed as the air you breathe.
With somebody else, with yourself or with a crowd.
To each their own.
The problem comes when that natural instinct comes with an identity (You) who is spiritually dead.
In a very simplistic way to explain this:
There is a straight vertical line between Flesh and Spirit and most of the population are stuck in the Flesh which are the two first chakras.
It is such a struggle to “survive” in this current society that personal empowerment is gone missing.
Communication is scarce and rather confrontational as everyone is divided between different parties, colors, diets, religions, ideas...
The intuition is buried among all the edgy emotions, anger, frustration, resentment, depressions, anxieties, addictions, you name it.
And therefore, the spiritual awareness and the connection to that “something greater than yourself” is NONE.
Most people are living life disconnected from the “source”.
(there are one million names to call this: Light, one mind, God, Universe, conscious awareness, Divine consciousness, Allah, the creator, Yahweh…)
Believe me…
This disconnection is known as being “spiritually dead”.
Oh, are you maybe an atheist?
I was too.
If all you believe is whatever can be materially perceived with the 5 senses and think that everything that happens in the Universe happens JUST in the brain… then explain to me how on Earth you can speak to somebody on the other side of the world by just pressing a button in a cell phone, for example.
The time of believing in whatever a religion or institution says is OVER.
The time to believe in scientific materialism and being blind to the fact that there is “something else” we cannot see with the eyes is OVER.
I said I am a spiritual teacher, why?
Because a teacher can be anybody (remember when I told you about “The Karate Kid” in a past Letter?).
And why spiritual?
What is spirituality?
That’s such a great question and the answer is even greater and interesting.
Here’s the answer from Google:
Spirituality is a personal quest for understanding and connecting with something greater than oneself, often involving beliefs about the meaning of life, the universe, and one's place within it.
Here’s mine:
Spirituality is knowing who you are.
And guess what?
Nobody can possibly tell you that.
No books, gurus, priests or even Gods in the Heavens…ONLY YOU.
It is an individual journey and, for me, that is the meaning of life.
All of those outer things or people can help you and guide you but that’s about it.
The work is yours.
What happens when you don’t take accountability for your own existence?
Then you turn to a Savior.
Saviorism is a deception and a psychological manipulation but people fail to see that.
Naked with Jesus
Jesus wasn’t his real name and there is no proof he even existed so, yep! it’s all about faith.
What is clear is that, whether he did exist as such or not, those writings that are the gospels were written out of some sort of events or “teachings” coming from somebody(s).
I choose to believe in him as a mystic who taught the principles of love, compassion and forgiveness.
And who taught us to love others as yourself with kindness, seeking peace, and living a life of humility and service.
Those are NOT the principles this system, corporations and religions abide by.
He also said that the “Kingdom is within you” and your connection is made inside of yourself not needing ANY MIDDLE “man in a skirt” or INSTITUTION.
His “teachings” were interpreted literally, distorted and adapted to fit a narrative that only benefits the few.
On a slightly different note… Jesus would have loved sexuality as an important part of our human nature on Earth.
That’s for sure.
But, as I say above, there has to be a “connection” beyond the physical for a person to fill complete and in this society, sadly, it is a common belief that this connection comes with “dating” and finding “the one” 🙄
For the New Year
I propose a real kickass NY power-solution and that is looking inwards at what’s cooking inside yourself.
Ignite your curiosity for what your eyes cannot see but your heart can feel.
Fire up your neurons and find new pathways into fulfilment.
Explore the nature of reality, dare to think differently, try new experiences, be open to learning.
That’s how you’ll find the “Joie de vivre”, the “zest for life”, la “alegria de vivir”.
A deep appreciation for life's simple pleasures and a joyful and peaceful state of mind to live each day to the fullest.
That’s the gift I have for you and for myself today as we change the calendar year.
Let’s be the change starting right NOW.
P.S. Not a NY resolution but something I am starting beginning of January is this Gateway Experience.
Watch my last video about it here.
Rose 🌹