I am about to do something crazy.
*awkward silence*
Well, not THAT crazy when we consider it comes from my Uranian mind. In fact, it has already started and I’ll invite you later below.
This last couple of months, April and May have been totally nuts and a lot of stuff has happened in my life that is, literally, a turning point… not one thing, not two…but even more!
You all know in this list (you can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of the page by the way) that I am a 50 year old woman who creates digital content on the Internet, right?
You probably found me on Instagram, X (Twitter), Youtube, Reddit or even Facebook and you also know (by now) that I have an Onlyfans page where my exclusive NSFW spicy and explicit content is (link here).
That implies I work with sexual content and I certainly DO.
Here’s the craziness coming…buckle up.
Despite doing this line of work (I am explaining the whole story in a book), I have been going through such a process of self-discovery and transformation that, in a nutshell, I feel totally detached of who I am…or rather who I thought I was.
Let me explain.
You probably think you know who you are, right? Or, most likely, you might not even ask yourself that question ever. Who am I?
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."–Aristotle.
If you have, we are right now very connected, please keep reading.
If you never have, please keep reading too…this might be a little first step into the most magical thing that can happen in your life.
Everything in the Universe is dual. It has a polarity, the feminine and the masculine (as energy patterns, not as genre) and so are we. We are dual human beings.
We have a physical body that has physical needs like food, water, air and SEX for instance and, through history, regrettably, the wrong “teachings” have come to us and have formed a consensual perception of what reality is.
Essentially as if…it is just this that I just described, what you can see, hear, touch, feel or taste but, as we know now in 2024 thanks to quantum physics (yes, it is pure science!!) there is much more than this in us, in the Universe.
We are not only matter. We are spirit, soul, ether, energy, vibration, light…we are electro-magnetic beings (like…literally) and I am going to proof this to you at some point if you stay tuned with me here.
It all began with Astrology, the most ancient science of all (although in main stream is called pseudo-science) and I am preparing a very beginner friendly webinar for those who are interested in dipping a toe and better their life massively by knowing a bit more about themselves (coming soon).
This is.
While I am offering an explicit NSFW subscription page to feed your fantasy and mine because I acknowledge our animal lower self or personality needs and the importance of not repressing those…
… at the same time…
I am offering as well an Inner Walkabout to feed your soul and mine because I also acknowledge our higher self and the need to fix this broken system we live in and the need to better this world.
And it all begins with oneself, with a little step and the connection to the divine in us✨
Isn’t that crazy?
It sounds like I am giving you a candy and telling you sugar is bad for you, right?
No, not quite.
What I want to do is giving you the candy and make sure you have enough awareness in yourself that you’ll use it in the best way for you and the others.
One occasional candy is not a problem, not being able to control yourself and eat candy non stop, that is.
Stop the metaphors Rose!!
Okay so…
Sex is as natural as a breath…and we need to breath in order to not die.
However, in order for you to make good use of it and not over-use/mis-use it…it is important to go to the upper room (our higher chakras) and not stay stuck in the tribal chakras (only).
In there, all the issues reside: low self-esteem, bad relationships, loneliness, frustration, sadness…and a bunch of negative emotions and feelings that got us in a hamster wheel where no changes occur and life is like groundhog day.
What’s happened this week
I have reviewed a Sex Doll and now have a personal code (MissD) that you can use across this website (https://www.tantaly.com) to get yourself a nice sex toy or gift it with a nice 12% discount.
Since the video is ‘aged restricted’ you can only view it on Youtube here.
A relative has died 🥲 you can read the article or listen to my voice below.
Facing your fears is the way to go, read and/or listen this amazing Zen story if you fancy some motivation:
I hope this wasn’t too much for you. I can be intense sometimes 😬
I really hope you stick here and travel this journey called life with me. I promise to enlighten your days, fun and inspiration to better yourself 🥰