Three letters and so much to say about it! Bearing in mind without sex neither of us would be here…isn’t it strange that this simple and short word carries so much conflict?
Without going too metaphysical (although that’s my thing, you know), let’s say that whatever is the force that created us, sex was on the table. Even if it was cosmic sex!
I am no religious person (I mean…who is nowadays) but I believe in God. Yes, you’re totally reading that right. I am a believer. God exists and created us.
Now…who is him/her/it? Nobody and everybody. It’s nothing and it’s all. It’s everywhere and nowhere…do you get it?
God is law, energy, vibration, light, love, …and the most important part, the part I have just integrated and had a big epiphany with…God is me! And you!
Oh my God, it was really easy! How did we not see it?
Anyway…back to sex, sorry.
Sex is a necessary part of human life. No sex, no new humans. But, as such, it comes on a package (and there must be a reason for that). It comes with one of the most amazing pleasures on Earth: orgasm.
Sex is situated in our second chakra, the sacral, among other irrational things there. It is the number 2, duality, relationship…to everything. And it is a basic need, as food or water is.
No, I won’t go into the books to analyse the history of sex, I am not that geeky (or even that clever) but, we all know, it has always been, it is and will always be. So…let’s make friends with it!
Missionary Kinda girl until…
Yep, that’s me. Boring as f*ck. I get very excited and infatuated when I meet a new partner and then erotic scenes happen (you can learn about those more intimately in my OF page).
But let’s be frank, time passes by, routine installs and it all dissipates like mist in the forest. And what’s left?
If you’re lucky, the Saturday shag (which will convert to the “every other” Saturday shag and so on…).
If you’re less lucky, a dead bedroom as they call it.
If you’re really lucky…a divorce and the beginning of a new life and the potential for another explosive relationship beginning…well, maybe that’s the purpose of life after all!
…until you free yourself of conditioning and embrace SEX (in capitals)
It is never too late, we know that, and nor is for you whatever your situation.
I went into this adult content creation thing by accident (totally contradicting the Universe laws here as nothing happens by accident but, you know, it is a nice sentence).
I am telling my story in a book that, hopefully will see the light soon because, let me tell you, my life is a hell of interesting!
Thing is, I did it. I was wired for it from birth. My Moon and Neptune conjunction in the 8th house were either that or becoming a teethless drug addict living on a park bench or an alcoholic middle aged woman so I have been lucky after all.
The experience has been a heck of a ride. Four years now. I have made a lot of money although that is not something I ever talk about but, thanks to that, I am now living a “dream life” so to speak.
I feel free and empowered and man! are those not important words.
Am I a Sex Worker?
The question I have been asking myself and resisting to say yes for all these years.
There are many aspects to sex work. In the ancient times, with no TV or internet, the only possibility was a physical exchange of the body for money, right? We all know that story.
In modern times, especially after the Internet…I mean… there is no physical exchange (although some still offer that service of course) and if by selling your nudes or clips then you’re a sex worker, well, then I am one.
I own it with pride and head up high. It has brought me more good than bad (if any).
Normalise sex and desire
Honestly, it sounds like a utopia right now but I would so love that to be the case! Without prejudices, blame, guilt, shame… life would be so much easier for everyone.
Fortunately we are walking towards this, eventually. We might not see it with our eyes but it will happen. The world is shifting from the love of power to the power of love and with love everything is possible.
Everyone will respect each other and their desires, their fantasies, their choices… always as long as it does not involve hurting anyone or doing anything unethical or plain wrong.
I hope you, reader, are aware of all these changes. I hope you are a loving being who, like everyone else, has needs and desires and it is not afraid of express it.
There are many ways to do that in a healthy way and actually get what you need (maybe a bit of fun and release tension?).
I’ll talk about addiction in a next Newsletter as, believe me, I hold the key to the solution to any addiction. It is in the field, it is all unbalanced energy.
God (or whatever you wanna call it) bless you. See you soon.