Stop Calling it "Woo-Woo": It's the New Reality
And it is here to stay, what are you going to do about it?
We are woo woo…humans are spiritual beings having human experience and we are literally energy. It’s Physics.
All the manifesting gurus… is what’s making it look woo woo because they talk about thinking it, visualizing it…repetition, blah, blah …and yes, it works like that in terms of subconscious mind and what it does and how we are run by it BUT they are missing a point…we run programs that we were taught not only by our parent but probably ancestors patterns and collective thoughts so, it is not as easy as manifesting as such without an inner work done with oneself.
So it’s like all the information is out there, available despite having been hidden for centuries and even destroyed (the Alexandria library burnt by the church!) but there is enough out there to absorb and integrate and study and experience and try…
You know what?? You don’t have to believe in anything anyone says! Nothing…absolutely nothing…you need to find your own truth because that one is subjective.
The only objective truth there is is laws of the universe, the natural laws, God is the ultimate Truth because God is not a man, is law…
Man was created in the image of God and for 2000 years people kept believing in a God made in the image of man, like what??
A God who sent his son to the earth to be slaughtered, a man who is going to punish you if you don’t do as you’re told and play by the rules that other men have set up based on fear, a man who supposedly, keeps a place for you in heaven only if you do as told and sends you to burn in eternal hell if you don’t…what??
That BS is over. It does not make sense anymore, never did but our levels of awareness as a collective were under 0, but humanity is now in for a quantum jump in consciousness which is nothing but the consideration that the unimaginable is possible, that the invisible actually governs life and is where everything is created in the first place.
It is the time where we get to finally understand that illness is only a manifestation in our bodies of an imbalance, an energetic imbalance.
If you want to manifest things in your reality, you certainly can apply all the techniques available on the internet or buy all the courses and meditations you want to reprogramme your subconscious but you must know that unless you release your old beliefs and all the anchors that keep you attached to those, all the blocks that live in the most hidden part of your software (mind).
This is the era where science is meeting the divine, is meeting magic, there is no going back now.
No more split between science/facts/measurable results, left analytical brain, I only believe what I see, where is the proof? and the divine consciousness.
There are two ways to live your life: as a connected being or disconnected.
Do you see love? Do you see sadness? Do you see desire?...don't they exist?
Where is gravity? Can you see it? But if you jump, you fall, right?
Stop shaming the woo woos, hocus pocus, witches, pseudoscience, astrology… it’s all real, as real as the eyes that can see or the hands that can touch… energy is there, you cannot see it, but it is there and you can feel it, in the same way you feel love.
Humanity is at a crossroads.
We’re standing on the threshold of a new reality where the rules of the game are changing - no, scratch that - they’ve already changed.
We are shifting, whether we like it or not, into a higher frequency of consciousness. And guess what? That doesn’t mean sitting back and binge-watching your way through life while waiting for the "good vibes" to magically arrive.
This is not about waiting for the shift; it’s about becoming the shift.
Quantum consciousness isn’t a far-off dream - it’s happening right now. Every thought, every emotion, every choice you make is either moving you closer to alignment with this new reality or dragging you further into the quicksand of outdated paradigms.
We’ve been spoon-fed lies for centuries. Lies that kept us small, compliant, and afraid to question the narrative. But here’s the kicker: those old systems? They’re crumbling. Religion, politics, education, even science as we know it—these structures are being dismantled because they were never designed to support the expansive beings we’re becoming.
The quantum leap is a leap into the unknown, but here’s the thing: the unknown is where the magic happens. The unknown is where possibilities are born. If you cling to the old ways, the old beliefs, the old wounds, you’ll miss the boat. And trust me, that boat is heading somewhere extraordinary.
Let’s be real: we’ve been disconnected for too long. Disconnected from ourselves, from each other, from the earth, and from the universal laws that govern everything. We’ve been so focused on the external—money, status, validation—that we’ve ignored the internal. And here’s the truth that nobody wants to admit: if you don’t work on yourself, if you don’t heal the shadows and break the cycles, you’ll stay stuck in a loop while the world moves on without you.
This isn’t fear-mongering; it’s reality. The shift is happening with or without your permission. You either evolve or dissolve.
The quantum leap in consciousness is a call to action. It’s an invitation to unlearn everything you thought you knew about yourself and the world. It’s about realizing that your reality is not fixed. It’s fluid, malleable, and entirely up to you.
But, and this is a big BUT, you cannot bypass the work. You can’t slap a vision board over your unresolved trauma and expect miracles. You can’t meditate your way out of the pain you refuse to face.
Inner work is the price of admission to this new reality. It’s messy, uncomfortable, and at times, downright terrifying. But it’s also liberating, transformative, and deeply, deeply worth it.
So, here’s the challenge: stop waiting for someone to save you. Stop waiting for the external world to fix itself. You are the creator, the healer, the alchemist. The power is in your hands.
We are energy. We are consciousness. We are limitless potential. But potential means nothing if it isn’t realized.
The new reality isn’t something you step into, it’s something you become. The question is, are you ready to let go of who you were to embrace who you’re meant to be?
The clock is ticking, and the universe is waiting. What are you going to do about it?
I don't understand this.🤔