Jane, 59, married to Jeff, 61 for the last 34 years. Empty nesters. Comfortable life financially. Good neighbourhood. Beautiful house. No mortgage. A handful of “same status quo” friends, etc. etc…you get the picture.
Jeff loves Jane but Jane does not have any sex drive whatsoever so they started sleeping in separate rooms a few years back.
They don’t talk about it, just roll with it.
Apparently, everything is perfect as there is a mutual respect in the everyday life and that is shown to the outside world and to the children whenever they are back home.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are biggies at Jane and Jeff’s.
Everyone is happy and loving and the tree is shining fairy lights with a bunch of lovely presents wrapped up underneath.
Doesn’t that sound idyllic?
On their wedding anniversary last year they went to Norway and had a great time there. They took amazing pictures and clips that Jane shared with her crafty friends.
They did not ask for separate rooms or beds at the Hotel but the entire week passed without touching each other intimately at all.
They got back to the room after the daily adventures where they laughed and even hold hands and took smiling pictures together, had a shower, got ready for dinner and went down to the restaurant.
Jeff even complimented Jane with a:
“You look great, dear", I am a lucky man”.
Dinner was quiet and with calm conversation and they really looked like a loving couple.
After dinner they went up the room and got ready for bed almost in silence.
Jeff says: “Darling, do you think we could maybe remember old times tonight and celebrate our anniversary with…”
Jane did not let him finish the sentence:
“Come on, honey, I am so tired I won’t even be able to read a single page of my book tonight! Plus we’re going to the forest daytrip tomorrow and need to recharge real good”.
She then turns around and with the sweetest voice she says:
“Good night, Jeffy-jeff (she calls him like that sometimes). Sleep well”.
And turns the light out.
Jeff looks up the ceiling for a few seconds…then looks down his body lying on the bed with what, two minutes ago, was a slightly aroused penis…but now has gone down to the sleeping state.
He switches the lights off too and goes to sleep.
That one day
There is always a first time for everything, right?
It is a random day, it is the summertime and they are going to town to do some errands in their shiny car.
They usually park on the outskirts and walk.
Jane visits the Craft shop that she loves to get some supplies and the Health shop for some supplements too.
Jeff visits the local Pub as he loves the coffee there and has a chat with the owner who he’s known for years.
It is a hot day.
It is quite busy so the owner is not as available as usual and Jeff turns around in the bar and looks out to the big windows thinking that something must be going on in the town for it to be that busy.
And then it happens.
He hasn’t have sex for a few years at this point and masturbation for him makes him feel a bit embarrassed due to his upbringing in a very religious family.
So, the occasional times he does, he is in his bedroom (his son’s old room) when he wakes up with the hard-on or in the shower.
Other than that, he does not consume any porn or, in general, has many sexual thoughts during the course of the day.
But that day…things are due to take a very life-changing turn…