I don’t have a wife, no. But Brian has. He’s one of my lovely subscribers and I enjoy our messages very much.
Look, he’s sent me this beautiful picture from his garden 😍
Not everyone sends me these, I mostly receive willies 😅 that’s the honest truth.
But I am Ok with that. I am a kind person.
In a way, it is quite child-like behaviour.
Think of children when they are jumping on those horrendous garden jumping trampolines. What do they do?
“Mom, look at me, look at me! “
That’s all they care about, your attention.
Bless them.
A bit about my week: The Coffee Fiasco
If you have ever wondered what hell looks like, there you go: quitting coffee cold turkey it is!
I should have never done that because I was also in very down moments…so it was like a nuclear bomb on me.
What a wally!
What did I do? On the 4th day I had a decaff coffee 🙈 with half a teaspoon of ‘normal’ one and, mind you, I was reborn…🥹
What else?
Your response has been amazing and I have a few stories selected (cannot possibly do them all) for videos. Thank you so much 🤗
And also to the ones who reply saying amazing things and encouraging me to keep sending these emails because “they bright up your day” 😃
By the way, some of you have replied with actual questions and I’ll also reply to them Q&A style on Youtube if they are SFW or in my Onlyfans if they are NSFW 😈
“My wife does not want to have sex with me”
I wish this was not a thing but, man, it is so big huge deal!
I was listening to an interview with an actual escort the other day and she said that pretty much all her clients were in sexless marriages.
And that’s the thing…I humble up here because sometimes I might come across a little entitled (I don’t mean to but I have noticed 😬).
Yes, I was in a sexless marriage (well a quickie every two or three months and never initiated by me) and one day I left (have I actually told you the whole story?).
I consider myself brave but then…I am all fire and air in my natal chart and you know what happens, right?
The air spreads the fire…and it burns the fuck out of whatever it touches.
Well, archetypically that means that I am that woman who acts (or speaks) and then thinks!
And many of you thinking that I am perfect 😆
So I have been lucky because everything went well and, 7 years later, I am in a good place and my family as well and, in fact, we are still a (divorced) family, believe or not.
That’s topic for another day.
One of many sexless marriage stories
Brian is not alone, unfortunately.
He has been married for a long time and he’s feeling conflicted because being married he’s seeking sexual excitement, fantasy…he’s seeking me on my page 🥹
“I love my wife and made a commitment to her. But she no longer has sexual desire for me and I miss being wanted and desired. She does not even like me to touch her in intimate areas. Needless to say, there is no sex.
Yet I still have desires and repressing them is not healthy. Then I found you. You gave me harmony knowing that I can express rather than repress these feelings.
But I also feel that I am being unfaithful to her by seeking you.
When I try to discuss my desires she just laughs, which crushes me.”
🥹This is very sensitive subject.
When you are in a sexless marriage three things can happen:
1.You don’t love or even like your partner anymore but there are commitments or financial challenges and more often than not: kids.
That’s tough. Very tough. But, in my experience, you are not doing any favors to your kids by not separating (OMG the stories I could tell!).
It is an excuse you use for not leaving the comfort zone.
Kids are not stupid and pick up on more than you think.
A toxic or unhappy environment is way worse than a civilized separation where everyone cares for each other (yes, your ex too) and things are done the RIGHT way.
I did it like that and it was (and is) brilliant.
2.You love your partner very much (like Brian) but your life is hell because you are conflicted, frustrated and unhappy.
This requires communication. Sadly, most people are not open to talk about sex (thank religions for that one).
But if you are truly happy with her with everything EXCEPT the absence of sex, then there has to be a solution.
They call it polyamory nowadays but, whatever, having a fuck buddy sounds more legit.
Imagine having a fuck buddy with some other woman in another sexless marriage. Bingo!
and that takes me to the most important of all…
3.You are in a sexless marriage thinking that your wife is dead ‘down there’ (that was me) and she also thinks so until…
Until one day a third person appears in her life and the dead vagina wakes up thinking is the Titanic sinking in the ocean.
Yep, that happens.
The great awakening.
What the actual F*#k! I am not dead…I simply did not fancy my husband anymore (despite loving him dearly) but this guy makes my legs shake and my inner thighs burn like hell.
Simple. Long-term relationships lead to ‘familiarity’ and it is hard to get turned on by, essentially, a close ‘family’ member.
We human beings like what’s unknown as much as we fear it.
So the sexual energy was repressed (dormant) and somebody who has a matching chemistry has woken it up.
I can tell you I went from having a quickie every 3 months and counting down the seconds to an all time record of seven (a combination of quickies and longer ones) in an evening. How’s that? 😉
Now tell me (if you fancy)
What’s your record?
In what conditions (married, affair, fling, your hand…)?
Also remember that if you get brave enough to get yourself a sex toy (or for your wifey) you can use my codes and while you get a discount, I get a small commission, win-win😃
I have selected this one since I have tried it myself (video to come) and is amazing!! She’ll love it ❤️
And for you this penis vibrator looks amazing 🤪
Here’s this week’s video about the topic.
And remember I now have a Patreon page with erotica content 🔥(a.k.a. full nudity) where you can be my Patron, message me and support me 🤗
For the ones interested in a bit more 😈 plus accessing my 4 years of content on Onlyfans and daily updates now you have a 10% discount here only for 24h.
And, finally, if you feel like giving, here my Wishlist too 🎁
Wishing you a great weekend.